Tudor Black Bay replica

The Tudor Black Bay family is constantly growing. Over the years, the hot sale Tudor Black Bay replica watch has seen great commercial success. The design identity is strong and full or character. This is a power packed line up and not an imitation of Rolex models.

 Tudor Black Bay replica

We find the awesome and perfect Tudor replica watch to be deeply satisfying. We played with the watch. We wore it. We wound it. And we just plain stared at it. We spent quite a bit of time with it. And we came away satisfied. The aesthetics are faultless. The build quality and finishing is robust, and the case seem to have been hewn from a solid piece of black steel, which it isn’t, of course. The black comes from pvd which is only skin deep.

 Tudor Black Bay replica

The entire perfect Tudor Black Bay replica watch family is also a very strong lineup. In 2016, the Tudor Black Bay Red, Blue, Black were joined by the Baselworld 2016 entrants: the Black Bay Bronze, Dark and 36. The 2016 family will also see the deletion of the Rose logo from the dial, replaced by the Tudor shield. The Rose is still engraved on the crown.

 Tudor Black Bay replica

The same domed dial and crystal is used. The hands are signature cool Tudor Black Bay replica watch snowflake hands. Historically, these are referenced from the Tudor watches used by the French National Navy in the 1970s. The depth rating is engraved in red on the dial, and a red triangle on the unidirectional rotating bezel is also a design feature inspired by this history.

The case is black pvd coated. A matt finish, it looks deep, dark and rich. The shape and size is the same as the other Black Bays. At 41mm, this Swiss made Tudor replica watch is rather comfortably sized for a dive/sports/tool watch.