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Reviewing The Polished Functional Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar Ref. 5327 Replica Watch

Still one of the best classical interpretations of the perpetual calendars, and from the hands of the masters themselves. The complicated Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar Ref. 5327 replica watches have stood the test of time with superb engineering and watchmaking and with consistently good performances in the secondary markets.Rolex Cellini Replica Watches

The polished steel Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar Ref. 5327 replica watch case is now enlarged once again, to 39mm. But this time, Patek did it right. Proportions were back to the near perfect balance. The case looked harmonious. From the side, the lugs feature a shallow hollowed up scallop which provides the visual impact of a lighter, more svelte looking case. Beauty restored.

So with great interest, we watch the unveiling of the perfect Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar Ref. 5327 replica watch in Baselworld 2016. Patek communication was filled with the news of their Annual Calendar, celebrating 20 years of its invention by them. The press release did not even contain a page on the new Ref. 5327. But we think it is significant, and bring you this narrative.

The luxury Patek Philippe replica watch in yellow gold, with a magnificent ivory lacquered dial.The color on the photograph does not reflect the true hue of the case, somehow it was captured to be more pale than it is. And the dial looks a bit too pink when compared to real life. Ah, the joys of on-site digital photography.

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